{Exciting} News

Thursday, March 14, 2013 |

Comments (4)
I am beyond excited to announce that I have officially accepted an amazing full time position in North Carolina and will be moving to charlotte in 3 weeks! I can not begin to describe how excited I am for this amazing opportunity and for the doors that God is opening for me! I truly feel so blessed and grateful for this opportunity and I can't wait to share my journey with all of you!

In other good news I am officially back from Texas and will be able to start blogging more regularly! It has been such a crazy and exciting few weeks and I can't wait to start this new journey in my life! Thank you so much for being patient during this crazy transition period, I am so excited for spring weather and bright colors to come out in full force within the next few weeks. So stay tuned..


  1. Congratulations!!! Charlotte is a wonderful city. Always something going on. I hope you enjoy it.

  2. Hi! I've tagged you in my most recent blog post! Have a lovely day!

  3. Congrats! Charlotte is a wonderful city, and it's where I'll be going to college starting this fall! :-) You might be interested in joining this fun Charlotte blogging network: http://www.thecharlottesocial.com/

    Love your blog! I'm a fellow fashion obsessed Christian gal. :-)

    xoxo Miss ALK


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