{Workout} Attire

Tuesday, January 29, 2013 |

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I am always on the lookout for new workout attire that will be convenient at the gym. Luckily thanks to pinterest I have found a few items that I need to add to my collection. I love this tank top especially with spring coming up, I think it will be perfect for running outside, and why would you not wear some funny shirts while running. I absolutely love the shirt that says "I don't sweat I sparkle," such a cute tank to pump you up while working out!

I am again traveling to Bergen, NJ for Spring 2. I cannot wait to give you guys a sneak peak into the new items for this spring. Have and amazing week!!

Colored Denim

Thursday, January 24, 2013 |

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I have to admit I am loving colored denim these days. Especially because of how nicely they pair with chambray. Recently my number item in my closet is chambray. I urge you all to go out and get one to add to your closet for this spring. I know that at JCrew chambray is going to be center stage! 

Forever 21 {Favorites}

Friday, January 18, 2013 |

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Is it just me or has Forever 21 been stepping up their game lately?? After college I rarely made an appearance at this store mainly because of the quality of the clothes. I was really trying to build my wardrobe with items that would last, and lets face it, Forever 21 is not the place for that! But lately as I have been surveying their online store I have noticed a few pieces that I would love to have, even if it was just for one season. Number one on my list.. stripes! Who doesn't love stripes, especially red and navy, I mean come on, with spring right around the corner my mind is all nautical all hours of the day! So whether you are a Forever 21 lover or hater, I challenge you to go check it out and see some of their new and improved clothes, I know i am!


I hope you all have a fun and safe weekend! For all of you down south enjoy the 'snow storm' you got (if you are from the north, a few inches isn't really considered a storm) and make sure to drive safe!

Ready for {Spring}

Thursday, January 17, 2013 |

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I am getting so excited for spring and all of the gorgeous colors that it is going to bring! After getting a sneak peak at JCrew's Factory and retail stores, the number one color is going to be chartreuse. Both of our stores have this color and I could not be more excited to start adding it to my wardrobe. I was very excited to see lavender as a second key color at retail because it is one of my favorites! When you put those two together you get the most gorgeous combination. The other key color that will be in factory is navy.. and I mean who doesn't love navy and chartreuse together, it's like a match made in heaven! 

I am sure most of you are getting ready for Spring just like me and I can't wait for skirt and short weather to be in full effect! For now these pictures from pinterest will have to do!

{Motivation} Monday/New Year's Resolutions

Monday, January 14, 2013 |

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I know, I know I am very late to the whole New Year's Resolutions but, better late then never right? This year is going to be such a crazy, fun, challenging time for me and I am so excited to see the amazing things God is going to do through me. I not only start nursing school, but I am trying to travel as much as possible and get into the best shape of my life! I wanted to really challenge myself this year and do everything I have always said I wanted to do but just didn't get the chance to do.

1. Start nursing school- This has been my biggest dream throughout the past year and I am so excited to get started. I know how challenging and time consuming nursing school is going to be but I am up for the challenge!

2. Get in the best shape of my life (I know cliché)- I have always been an average gym goer, I went when I wanted to and didn't really worry too much about what I ate or didn't eat. But this year I am really focused on eating right and working my butt off in the gym! Not only is it good for me but it is good for my body, i won't go in all the details but i have a problem with my intestines that makes certain foods i eat wreak havoc on my body! So this is the perfect time to really get my diet in check and get bikini body ready for our big family vacation this year!

3. Read through my Bible- I grew up in a Christian home and of course if you have read my 'About Me' section you know that I went to a Christian university, but throughout my life I have never actually read through the Bible cover to cover for a duration of time. I have probably gone through it completely within classes, and through my devotional but never just page by page. My church is doing it as well and mapped out everything to do so I have decided to go along with them and do it for myself.

4. Travel- The one thing I regret from college is not studying abroad. I always wanted to but was never able to with my major. I wish I had almost every day and now that I have these 8 months before nursing school starts I want to travel as much as possible! I already have a few trips booked but I plan on adding quite a few by the end of the year!

5. Letting go/learning patience in God's timing- I know this seems very vague but honestly it is the simplest phrase but the hardest resolution to do. This year I am really focused on letting go of the negativity from the past and just moving forward. This year is a new beginning for me to go out and accomplish the things I want for my life without thinking of the past and what has happened. I am a firm believer that God does not put things in your life for the wrong reasons but to show you something better. I have learned to regret nothing and would not change anything in my life because I know that there was a purpose for the bad things and my life is so much better for what those things have taught me. I am really trying to learn patience and understanding in God's timing and not jump to conclusions or question what God is doing. 

What were some of your resolutions this year? I would love to hear! 

Sneak Peak of {Spring} at JCrew Factory

Friday, January 11, 2013 |

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I can not even begin to explain how excited I am for our Spring 1 collection! All of the beautiful colors and patterns are amazing not to mention the fabric's and textures. Below are a few sneak peaks pictures! I hope you guys enjoy!! Have a great weekend, mine will be spent catching up on sleep and relaxing.

P.s all of these perfect holds are courtesy of our amazing team. I took a whole week to get this store ready!

It's {Travel} Time

Tuesday, January 8, 2013 |

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This week is off to a quick start as I made the journey to Bergen, NJ to work in the JCrew store here. I always love a new opportunity to do different things at my job and being given this opportunity is amazing. I get a sneak peek at our spring line and couldn't be more excited! The 2:30 a.m alarm that went off this morning was definitely not fun but I am going to try to stay awake and take in this whole experience with the help of starbucks!

I decided to include a few items from our store that I am currently crushing on.

Guest Posting at {Southern Shopaholic}

Monday, January 7, 2013 |

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Hey all of you Southern Shopaholic readers I am Lauren from A Monogram Love Affair. I was so excited when Krista asked me to do a guest post while she was away in London having a fabulous time! I started my blog a few months ago after reading Krista's for quite some time and I definitely have her to thank for helping me decide to create my own. I am a recent college grad but I am returning back to school this year to become a nurse! 

I have always been interested in fashion and love playing dress up even to this day. I would describe my style as a mix between girly, preppy, classic and chic. I never pass up anything pink, sparkly or animal print and try to mix patterns any chance i can get! I believe you can never be overdressed and I always enjoy a good excuse to wear heels! Below are some of my recent outfit posts giving you a sense of my style!

I would love for you to come take a look at my blog and let me know what you think! 

Classically Divine © . Harlie Ave Design .